Use These Prompts with ChatGPT Vision to Get the Most Out of It
Build AI Model from 0, Hand Written Text Analysis, OCR and more!
Did you know that you can build and deploy AI Model from 0, by using ChatGPT Vision too?
In this article, you will see different uses of ChatGPT Vision than what you can find on the web. These include using it for accounting, creating digital copies, building AI from scratch, and more. Let’s get started!
Check out my latest articles, on invited only notion page
Don’t Start Using ChatGPT for Data Science Without Reading This! ; Do you know how to apply AI to your dataset with just a single prompt?
62 lines of code will be generated and run in the backend in 10 seconds.
Do you know the latest AI News?
On friday, I am going to send 19th of Weekly AI Pulse.
Important Things to Know Past Week
Rumors said ChatGPT Credentials might be at risk
Microsoft Bing Chat gets ChatGPT-4 Turbo for free
Can Black Mirror’s first episode of the second series be true now? (Talking with your loved ones beyond graves thanks to AI.)
Open AI Investor Vinod Khosla predicts AI will deflate the economy over the next 25 years.
Does Sam Altman want to build an AI device?
China & USA Again, This time for Data
Elections are coming but, how AI will affect elections in 2024?
If you don’t have time to read, you can listen summary of the news at the end of the article, like this one:
Special GPT’s
Here are special GPT’s, available for my paid subscribers.
Now, buckle up and let's get started discovering prompts to use with ChatGPT Vision to make the most of it.