Read This Before Using ChatGPT in Your Daily Workflow!
Maximizing Efficiency with AI: Harnessing ChatGPT and Custom GPTs in Your Workflow
Since the release of ChatGPT on November 30, 2022, 371 days ago, there hasn’t been a single day when I haven’t engaged with it. But let’s delve deeper into the numbers.
This year, I’ve written 108 articles here, 41 of which are about ChatGPT. This excludes the articles I wrote for clients or on Substack. This period has been highly educational for me.
That’s why, after November 6th’s release of custom GPTs, I felt relieved. I already had many prompt structures that I used for daily tasks. I can’t write too many articles lately, because I’m busy developing new custom GPTs for you, using the prompts I’ve been employing for the past 371 days.